Friday, 17 August 2007

1Ds mkIII photo?

I've found the photo below on the digicombo site. Pretty funny stuff, it's above the 1D mkIII specs. I really don't know what they are thinking. But one thing is for sure. They're going to get a lot of visitors and it's a huge promotion for them as well. As most of you probably know, there is no bad promotion...


Anonymous said...

Sorry, this is clearly a fake.

Basically the handgrip on the left side of the photo has been flipped horizontally and pasted to the right side of the photo. Shadows and reflections are almost exactly the same. What differences there are, are probably due to JPEG-compression artifacts.

Pero said...

I completely agree. But it's definately a great marketing move for that dealer - his traffic to the site has increased signifficantly (more potential buyers etc).

tcphoto1 said...

Judging by the image, I guess that you can use both hands to fire the shutter.

Pero said...

Yeah, a kind of universal camera. For righ/left handed people or for those who want to hold it with both hands:D.

comprar un yate said...

Really helpful data, lots of thanks for your post.

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